Paid Advertising (PPC) Services

Paid advertising is a marketing strategy where businesses pay to promote their products, services, or content to a specific audience. There are various types of paid advertising services available, each with its own benefits and platforms.

Cogeian Infotech ‘s PPC services are created to help you make a successful advertising campaign that delivers the satisfied results. We have 15+ years of wide knowledge in pay per click management, and our highly experience team can handle all aspects from start-to end so your business grow 24×7. So in that situation, you need a top rated digital advertising and marketing company, who can work better for your brand while lead a high web traffic.

Our Some Valuable Happy Trusted Clients, We Work With

From Start-Ups To Fortune 500 Companies, our clients are succeeding online

Different Types Of PPC Ads

PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising offers various types of ad formats that cater to different goals and platforms.

Search Ads:

  • Text Ads: These are the most common PPC ads, displayed at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs) when users search for specific keywords. They consist of a headline, description lines, and a display URL.
  • Dynamic Search Ads: These ads are generated dynamically based on the content of your website, matching relevant search queries with your landing pages.

Shopping Ads:

  • Product Listing Ads (PLAs): Showcase specific products from your online store, including images, prices, and store information, directly in search results.

Display Ads:

  • Banner Ads: Visual ads displayed on websites within the Google Display Network or other advertising networks. They can include images, graphics, and text.
  • Responsive Display Ads: Advertisers provide text and images, and the ad format is automatically adjusted to fit various ad spaces on the display network.
  • Interactive Ads: Rich media ads that can include elements like video, animation, and interactive features.

Local Ads:

  • Local Search Ads: Promote physical locations by displaying ads with location information when users search for businesses nearby.
  • Google Maps Ads: Showcase your business location on Google Maps and in related search results.

Video Ads:

  • In-Stream Ads: Video ads that play before, during, or after YouTube videos.
  • Discovery Ads: Thumbnail images and text that appear in YouTube search results, YouTube videos, and the YouTube mobile homepage.
  • Bumper Ads: Short, non-skippable video ads that are limited to six seconds in length.

Remarketing Ads:

  • Display Ads: Target users who have previously visited your website with relevant ads as they browse other websites within the display network.
  • Dynamic Remarketing Ads: Display tailored ads featuring products or services users have shown interest in.

Why Cogeian Infotech For PPC Ads Services

PPC (Pay-Per-Click) services offered by a Cogeian Infotech can provide a range of benefits for businesses looking to enhance their online presence, reach a targeted audience, and achieve specific marketing goals. Here are some key advantages of utilizing PPC services from a us.

Google Premium Partner

A Google Premier Partner is a designation given by Google to digital marketing agencies or professionals who have demonstrated exceptional expertise and performance in managing Google Ads campaigns. We work with a Google account support team that is purely dedicated to our accounts.

Experience in a Variety of Industries

Our well-trained experts have a huge range of knowledge, which gives them a competitive benefits in any business or industries.

Long-Term Partnership

We are working with well-trained professionals can lead to a long-term partnership, where they become a valuable extension of your marketing team, adapting to your evolving needs.

Budget-Friendly Pricing

We are offering budget-friendly pricing for your PPC management services can be an attractive proposition for potential clients and can help you stand out in a competitive market.

Work with well-trained professionals

We are working with well-trained professionals is essential for the success of any business endeavor, including digital marketing and PPC (Pay-Per-Click) campaigns. Well-trained professionals bring a wealth of expertise, knowledge, and skills that can make a significant positive impact on your campaigns.

Help & Support

We are providing excellent help and support is crucial for building strong relationships with clients and ensuring their satisfaction with your PPC management services.

We At Cogeian Infotech Are Certified Google PREMIER and Microsoft ADS Partners

Cogeian Infotech are a certified Google Premier Partner and a Microsoft Advertising Partner demonstrates a high level of expertise and proficiency in managing online advertising campaigns on two of the largest and most influential platforms. These partnerships can significantly enhance your agency’s credibility and attract clients looking for top-tier PPC management services.

We work with Google and Bing and help customer built successful campaigns for their business on every platform comprehensible like Google, Bing, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

Our PPC specialists have wide industry experience so have no issue what type or size company you runing, we can always offer top PPC help and support.


What Clients say about our services!
Richard Cooke review

“Hello! I can say that I am pretty satisfied, gradually our website is increasing positions in the SERP. Obviously SEO is a long term work, even for this should be not expensive. I see such guys working and sending regularly a report of their work; this is good. I had other SEO agencies before much more expensive. I would recommend working with them.”

– Andrea Pascucci

“There were certain issues in the services that I utilized from other SEO service providers and was expecting nothing different from this one. But Cogeian Infotech proved me wrong and no regrets for that. Interestingly, now I know much more about internet marketing. Thanks to Cogeian Infotech.”

– John Smith

Are You Ready To Grow? Get Your Free PPC Audit Today!

Connect with one of our Experts for a free consultation, get support from our client success team, today!

Our Paid Advertising (PPC) Services

PPC Marketing, which stands for Pay-Per-Click Marketing, is a digital advertising model in which advertisers pay a fee each time their ad is clicked. It’s a form of online advertising where advertisers bid on keywords or placements on various platforms, and their ads are displayed to users when they search for or interact with content related to those keywords or placements. PPC marketing provides an efficient way to drive targeted traffic to websites and landing pages, often resulting in measurable conversions and a strong return on investment (ROI). Paid Advertising (Pay-Per-Click or PPC) Services offered by a Cogeian Infotech involve creating and managing online advertising campaigns on various platforms to drive targeted traffic, generate leads.


Google Ads Advertising is a powerful online advertising platform offered by Google that allows businesses to create and display ads on the Google search engine results pages (SERPs), as well as on other Google-owned properties like YouTube and the Google Display Network. Cogeian Infotech assist you with Google Ads Advertising to maximize your online visibility, drive targeted traffic, and achieve your marketing objectives.


Facebook Ads Advertising is a powerful and versatile online advertising platform that enables businesses to create and display ads on Facebook and Instagram. Cogeian Infotech help you harness the potential of Facebook Ads to reach your target audience, drive engagement, and achieve specific marketing goals.


Instagram is a popular social media platform known for its focus on visual content, making it an ideal platform for businesses looking to showcase products and engage with users. Instagram Ads Advertising, offered by Cogeian Infotech allows businesses to create and display ads on the Instagram platform to reach a visually-engaged audience, increase brand awareness, and achieve specific marketing objectives.


LinkedIn is a valuable platform for reaching professionals, decision-makers, and industry experts. LinkedIn Ads Advertising, facilitated by Cogeian Infotech allows businesses to create and display ads on the LinkedIn platform to connect with a professional audience, promote products or services, and achieve specific B2B (business-to-business) marketing objectives.


Bing Ads offers an opportunity to reach a different audience and complement your online advertising efforts. Bing Ads Advertising, managed by Cogeian Infotech enables businesses to create and display ads on the Bing search engine, as well as on other Microsoft-owned platforms like Yahoo and AOL.
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